Need to practice you’re passing?  We’ve compiled a list of a few hockey passing kits.  Being able to pass and sometimes more importantly, receive a pass, is a skill that every great hockey player needs.  Take a look at some of the best passing kits below.


SHORT ON TIME.  Here is our pick


Best Hockey Passing Kit

HockeyShot Passing Kit Pro

This roll up and portable passing kit is one of our favourites. Come with shooting pad and passer. The surface is slick and durable. Perfect your passing and receiving skills on this great training product.

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1) HockeyShot Extreme Passing Kit Pro

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

HockeyShot Passing Kit Pro



If you’d like to pass the puck with the precision Wayne Gretzky used to display you’ll need to work on the skill religiously. The HockeyShot Extreme Passing Kit Pro with a large front slope is designed to help soften your hands and quicken your wrists while practising your passing accuracy skills.

The passing kit is equipped with the 24-inch Clamp-On as well as the 4 x 8.5 foot HockeyShot Roll-Up Shooting Pad. As well as working on your passing you can improve your one-timers and other shots too. The kit can be set up quite easily and quickly as the passer can be attached and removed from the shooting pad in just a matter of seconds. 

The HockeyShot Extreme Passing Pro Kit has a 24-inch passing slot at the end of the shooting pad and a strong bungee cord makes sure your passes are sent back to you at the same speed. The kit comes with two straps for easy carrying and storage as well. The shooting pad is also weather protected with a UV coating making it usable outside.  

Hockey passing kitClick here for lowest price available in USA

Hockey passing kitClick here for lowest price available in Canada

2) HockeyShot Passing Kit Jr

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

HockeyShot Passing Kit Junior


The Junior Passing Kit by HockeyShot is basically the slightly smaller version of their Extreme Passing Kit Pro and comes with a UV-protected 3 x 8 foot roll-up shooting pad. It’s made for passing and shooting skills and weighs approximately 16 lbs. This kit is aimed at youngsters as it will help them learn how to give and receive passes correctly as well as help their accuracy and timing. In addition, it will help build strength in their wrists.

Youngsters should be able to set it up on their own due to the lightness of the kit and it can be used on just about any flat, hard surface. The added bungee cord is made to provide firm rebounds for longer-lasting drills. The Extreme Passer slot is 24 inches wide and can quickly be attached and unattached. 

The HockeyShot Passing Kit Jr. is ideal for younger players who’d like to sharpen their passing, stickhandling and shooting skills at home.

Hockey passing kitClick here for lowest price available in USA

Hockey passing kitClick here for lowest price available in Canada

3) HockeyShot Performance Passing Kit (Jr, Int, Pro Sizes)

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

HockeyShot Pass Performance Pro Kit


Passing the puck is a crucial hockey skill and there’s no better way to perfect your technique than with the HockeyShot Performance Passing Kit. In fact, you can also work on your shooting with this off-ice device. The kit combines HockeyShot’s Edge Rebounding Foam with their Dryland Flooring Tiles Allstar Edition as well as the Puck Stopper Edging. In total, you get 72 inches (6 feet) of passing space.
The smooth symmetrical tiles can easily be clipped together and you can remove and customize the passing kit to suit your needs. There are three different sizes of this kit which are Pro, Intermediate and Junior. The Junior model comes with 10 Dryland Allstar Tiles, four Puckstopper Edges, and four Edge Rebounding Foams. The difference with the Intermediate and Pro models is the Intermediate has 15 tiles and the Pro version includes 18 tiles. You simply need to move the edging and tiles to customize the training area.

While it may sound a little complicated, the HockeyShot Performance Passing Kit can be set up pretty quickly and easily. It’s one of the most thorough off-ice passing trainers on the market.  

Hockey passing kitClick here for lowest price available in USA


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Lead Writer , Honest Hockey
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